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Claim: African Americans are being targeted by Caucasian police officers on a regular occurrence. They are targeted for no reason even when they are unarmed and not attempting to cause any danger. The issue is only becoming a big concern over the past few years but has been an ongoing problem ever since slavery was abolished. The topic begins with slavery and how humans owned one another so they were never treated equally. Key events are slavery, police brutality, and Black lives matter. Key players are Frederick Douglass. Police officers have been known over time to treat African American as less through hate crimes during basic traffic stops. The ongoing event is that back then blacks were looked at a lesser and not equal. And today they are still treated as less and not as they should be. Wrongful deaths of unarmed black citizens. Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, and, Natasha McKenna for just a few cases of many they have been happening for years on years.Racism. The number one hating cult is still a group in the United States and their main target is African Americans. Racism is still a major issue in the United States today most police brutality cases are looked at as a racist act. Police brutality. More than 250 unarmed black people were killed in 2016 alone. Racism does not exist anymore Rebuttal: How do you respond to this objection? Racism is still alive the KKK is still in place today and police brutality happens on a regularly basis. along with other hate crimes everyone is treated equally Rebuttal: How do you respond to this objection? Not everyone is treated equally crimes are committed against black people out of hate. A over looked issue still exist in today’s society. People thought they took care of the problem back when slavery was abolished. But the issue still exist hundreds of lives have been lost out of hate crimes committed against a race for their color. The main area of concern is Police brutality vs innocent Black citizens. 

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